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Moles, Birthmarks
and Freckles

Moles are collections of cells that produce skin pigment. They often run in families but can also be influenced by UV exposure. Birthmarks come in various forms, including those with pigment cells, blood vessels, and other types. Freckles are brown spots that appear due to family history and are increased by sun exposure.


Freckles can serve as a barometer for sun exposure. Since they darken in the sun, pay close attention to any changes. If you notice your freckles darkening, consider increasing your sun protection measures. Watching your moles closely for changes is crucial. If you notice any changes, seek immediate evaluation from a healthcare provider.

Monitoring your Skin

Skin health is vital, and monitoring moles, birthmarks, and freckles is a crucial part of it. At SWAE Skin, we are dedicated to providing you with the knowledge and care needed to keep your skin healthy and vibrant. Schedule a consultation today to learn more about our services and how we can help you achieve and maintain clear, healthy skin.

Monitoring Moles: The ABCDEs While most moles are harmless, some can undergo dangerous changes.

The ABCDEs of melanoma are key signs to watch for:

ABCDE Skin graph to represent mole types that can be skin cancer.
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