Welcome to SWAE Skin, where we are dedicated to helping you achieve healthier skin. Acne affects millions of Americans, and we understand the impact it can have on your confidence and well-being.
Whether your acne is mild or severe, we offer tailored solutions to meet your needs. In addition to our treatments, we believe in empowering you with knowledge to help manage and prevent future breakouts.
With SWAE Skin by your side, you're not alone in your journey to healthy, radiant skin- the most clear possible. Let's work together to achieve your skincare goals and help you glow both inside and out.
Best Topical Products for Acne

Benzoyl Peroxide
Excellent but drying. Store in cool temp. May bleach clothes.

Salicylic Acid
Great as a wash or spot treatment. Avoid high strengths in young children or pregnancy.

Tea Tree Oil
Natural remedy. Can cause allergies/irritation. Not recommended in young boys.

Vitamin A derivatives. Available over the counter (adapalene) and with rx.

Azelaic Acid
Excellent brightening agent. Natural/cereal grain; available OTC, but best w prescription.

Topical Antibiotics
Good for inflammatory acne. Options include Dapsone, Clindamycin. Minocycline.

Anti-Androgen Drugs
These are newer choices for those whose acne worsens with menstruation.